Monday, June 1, 2009

A little late to post...

So I was working on this project last weekend (as in the  one with Memorial Day), but hadn't had a chance to get my photos off of my camera yet! So this was just a little project I had been wanting to do for awhile, so got crafty & attacked it. 

I have been loving some of the ruffle stuff I've seen online, but loved the idea of making it more geometric. So I took a great linen I found & chopped it up for a fun addition to a little $7 target tank top. Didn't take long at all, and was incredibly easy. I ended up doing two layers of the ruffle in the end because the original layer just didn't have enough depth for me... :)

It felt incredible to bust out my sewing machine finally! Happy Memorial Day! 


  1. So excited to see your dress!

    And congrats on finally getting your sewing machine! HOW FUN!

  2. That actually isn't my dress or a new machine... ha ha... I figured out how to get my old machine to work, but it's old & only does minimal stuff... dress post is coming soon ;)
